Estimate your property
in just a few clicks!
Start the Estimation
What is the value of my house / apartment / building?
The answer to this question is essential for you to plan your real estate project.We offer you the possibility of knowing its value thanks to the online calculator below. An easy and fun digital solution for estimations, advice and real estate analysis from our partner PriceHubble. It offers the finest data and estimates on the market.
Note: This result must be refined because your property has specificities which must be considered. Our experienced brokers are at your disposal to determine the fair price based on the current market, without obligation and free of charge.
As a first step, use our online property estimation tool:

How to successfully sell your property ?
Asking a professional, is putting all the trump cards on your side
1. Evaluate your
Online calculations will give you an approximate value. The result has to be fine-tuned as the result is theoretical and does not take into account the special features of your property. The robot didn’t come and visit.
2. Ask the opinion
of an expert
Only the visit of your property by an expert, who knows the current market, will be able to determine the optimal value.
Determining the correct value is essential to finding the right buyer in a controlled timeframe.
3. Succeed in your
This is our mission. We offer you our personalised services and are only rewarded if we succeed. Our interests are linked. We are your partners and the guarantor of the correct execution of your sale.
First Home
Find a buyer quickly
Our team is skilled, experienced, young and dynamic!
Add to that modern technology and a client portfolio actively searching the market.
We take off of your shoulders all the hassle and take care of every step of the sale.
Photos, videos, publicity, network, sort through requests, take care of visits, negotiate and verify the financial solidity of the buyer, preparation of the sales act with the notary…:
you won’t need to worry, we ensure the follow up until you hand over the keys and are completely satisfied.